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Rolling Wall Single Trolley Catalogue Tech Video Gallery


technical sheet

The dividing modules of the Rolling Wall CE maneuverable wall are made to measure, each project is followed and calculated for the best aesthetic and acoustic realization. The wall is certified for sound insulation by 38,7 dB standard to 43dB with extra kit.

Inside each panel there can be a rock wool mat:
THICKNESS: 45 mm DENSITY: 90 kg/m3

Sistemi di scorrimento

Bicarrello o Monocarrello?

In our Rolling walls it is possible to choose two ceiling sliding versions:

  • Monocarrelloa single trolley in the center of the module, for packing in line with the track;
  • Bicarrello, with double storage track: it has two upper trolleys placed at the ends of the module, this allows greater mobility of the modules thanks to the particular section of the tracks and trolleys, with the possibility of creating angles from 45° to 90°.

Weight: from 40kg/m2 to 50kg/m2

Thickness: 85 mm (recessed handle included)



Rolling Wall is an extremely flexible product, suitable for any environment that requires quick separation of rooms. Also made in a glass version, Rolling Wall is a maneuverable wall that allows you to separate different environments while maintaining their brightness and visual space.

The sliding modules are of three types of panels:

  • wooden module
  • Glazed module
  • with cabinets

Track positioning


Rolling Wall intersects perfectly with all the walls, both dividing and equipped: it is made with the same colors and finishes as the system KWS.

Thanks to its mobile bases, the maneuverable wall does not require tracks or holes in the floor: everything is managed by the special trolleys designed by Arcadia. By activating the electric locking mechanism, the module is tightened by simple pressure. Rolling Wall il binario dove scorrono i carrelli, può essere incassato nel contro-soffitto oppure può essere ancorato al solaio.Nella parte superiore al binario si possono predisporre tamponamenti orizzontali come nelle altre Arcarossa.

La ricerca Arcadia


Arcarossa technology has developed a special trolley made of ultra-sliding material, so that it is possible to move modules weighing up to 300 kg without the slightest effort. The Single-cart and Double-cart technologies exploit two different types of carts, but are based on the same principles of smoothness and durability that form the foundations of Rolling Wall.

In Rolling wall Rolling Wall si possono montare porte di passaggio sia singole che doppie con le maniglie incassate affinchè non aumenti lo spessore del modulo. Nella parte inferiore dell’anta viene posizionato il sistema telescopico a ghigliottina, il quale viene azionato alla chiusura della porta. Il sistema permette di ottenere un maggior isolamento acustico.Il sistema telescopico a ghigliottina è uguale a quello montato nei moduli scorrevoli adiacenti, ottenendo così un’uniformità di finitura anche nella parte inferiore della parete manovrabile. Tale sistema all’occorrenza può essere disattivato.

Choose for your office the made in Italy elegance and the quality and robustness of Arcarossa.


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